
I have a curious effect on creatures and people. I tend to make them feel sleepy around me without trying.

Let me explain. If I happen to hold a hamster, it will fall asleep in my hand. If a snail is on my arm, it will walk a bit then go into its shell and take a nap. If it is a garden snake coiled around my palm, it will just stay still and take a nap.

Even some people in the train who sit next to me, who were playing with their phone, will just take a nap after about 15 minutes. They even do that in broad daylight, when the day was just beginning.

Also, in the past, after some time of me talking about work matters, my ex-bosses will start to yawn many times (Fr Paco, Exco Chairman…). Either the things I were saying were too boring or there is something about my voice that make people feel sleepy. Or it could also mean that the things I said were too complex and they yawned to take in more oxygen for their brains.

I used to sing “Close to You” as a lullaby to my daughter till the end of her toddler years. Changed a couple of words to adjust (she has black irises like me). I don’t really sing, but this is for you (Take 3, too long didn’t sing!). It was raining heavily just now, with a bit of thunder.

P.S.: You sing really well!

Good night, sleep tight…

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