Energy and Food

Strength. Power. Vitality. Chi. Life force. Energy is called by many names. Without it, nothing moves, nothing works. Humans get most of their energy from food and to some extent, by being in touch with nature and for extroverts, by interacting with people.

Since food is our main intake for energy, the kind of food you eat will determine how much energy you get from it. Not only that, there is an interesting phenomenon, whereby, if you bless your food and water before eating it with gratitude and good words, the energy contained within it will become high vibrational and harmonious for your body. This is the often unknown origin of the Christian and Muslim practice of thanking “Divine Source” for the food with a short prayer before a meal. Scientifically, Dr Masaru Emoto demonstrated the result of blessing water with thoughts of love and gratitude, and even with classical music. Look at how beautiful the water molecule becomes.

Plants also respond to certain classical music in a positive way, they grow better and become healthier. For vegetarians who think that they are not harming anyone with their diet, the following will be a surprise to you. Plants do feel pain, they have even helped investigators to solve murder crimes because they had recorded the discordant and angry energy at the crime scene (do your research on that to find out more).

Some personal anecdotes: I used to tutor small children in an orphanage, there were a few of them who liked to pluck the leaves off the decorative shrubs for fun. So when warning wouldn’t work, I plucked off a few hair from their naughty heads, asking them, does it hurt? They said yes. I said the plants feel pain when you pluck their leaves, just like you. They never plucked again after that. Another one: After the kindergarteners’ early morning run (to spend a bit of their energy), I let them cool down with breathing exercises in front of the row of green shrubs. At the end, they will remember to say, “Thank you, plants, for the oxygen.” Yes, my kindergarteners knew how to say the word “oxygen” and what it is for. Above all, they know how to give thanks.

Now, what if you need to do some trimming for your house plants? You can talk to them to warn them first, like, give them time to prepare for the “cut”. They do have intelligence that is largely unknown to most of us, but scientists were beginning to notice.

In short, this world is not free from suffering, but the least we can do is to thank the food for sustaining our lives. There is no such thing as one philosophy being better than another. Speaking good words and an attitude of gratitude will at least make food and life be more harmonious.

Header photo from (water molecule, after being exposed to “The Four Seasons – Winter” by Vivaldi)

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