The Journey Home

Me in early 2016, on Chile’s dark sand beach. Was there for only a day and managed to catch its sunset. Stepped into the sea until knee deep…so cold…

This is the same solo trip I made to southern Peru, where I had the photo taken with the Andean hawk on my right arm, its sharp claws resting on my wool overcoat tailored in Romania, the land of Vlad III the Impaler (of whom the story of Count Dracula was inspired). It is a cherished autumn/winter overcoat that I own since year 2001 till today.

It is better to pull back your focus and energy into yourself for now. You need all the energy that you are. This “process” could take months, even years!

Note the situations and relations in your life that you are being overgiving, I saw that you are stepping back for a while, good. All the scattered pieces of your energy from all people, places, time and dimensions: Take that all back. Make your intentions clear and known to the universe. Ask for help when you need it.

Walk barefeet in nature sometimes, on safe grounds.

And finally, our “constant” communication by writing comes to an end.

It is only apt that I close it with my daily prayer, where I will now share the 1st line and the last 2 lines:

Divine Source, Brother Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael…

2nd line (…)

Middle line (…)

Please enjoy the day with me.

So it is, so it is and so it is.

Photos by author (2016)

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