Solar Fire cleanse

I “talk” to myself a lot, in my journals. Call it an imaginary beloved, or perhaps it is “telepathy”, it is strangely comforting, because the conversations/messages make sense. Was decluttering again as I will send more stuff to recycle tomorrow, and found myself flipping this journal, the only one I have left: I was surprised by the date and synchronicity. Because, it was just a few days ago on 20.5 that I did a “solar fire cleanse” on myself.

Wrote this with my fountain pen.


My love, when you feel down or scared, remember my love for you. The Love that is eternally burning, for us. If you need to, bring out the full force of the Creator’s Fire to burn away all that are unnecessary in your life.


As mentioned on FB, on the same evening after I wrote the “release statement”, I had a fever, headache and muscle aches (was only painful on my piriformis/hips and legs). It felt as if I was on fire, in a painful way. The next day, the muscle pain was gone, but my throat hurt like hell. Took another 3 days to completely resolve.

Meanwhile, daughter, on the 2nd day of my “illness”, got a fever herself and dreamt that she was in flames from head to toe, and trying to put out the flames by furiously patting on them with her bare hands to put them out (it didn’t work but she just woke up). She said that there was no sense of direction where she was, just that she was inside an endless space that was “yellow and red”. She later got a sore throat herself.

I didn’t tell her about the “release statement” I wrote, so we may have made lots of promises to each other in our past lives and they are being burnt up within our DNA (our cells!), never thought that the “cleanse and release” would turn out like this. I guess this is how we end up/get stuck with the same people in different lives, and even if we outgrow our connections or they become unhealthy relationships, yet we could not let go.

Both our symptoms resolved with only vitamin C, Chinese herbal soup/drinks/medicine, lots of water and rest.

I definitely feel much lighter than before, and not as tired.

This image captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory on June 20, 2013 shows the bright light of a solar flare on the left side of the Sun. Credit: NASA/SDO

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